Signs 101:  Blue Signs

Last week, we talked about why we changed the style of street signs we use in Town.  You might have noticed a few signs in Town that are blue and wondered why? The MUTCD allows street signs to be one of three colors: green, blue, or white.  Green is the national standard, so 95% of... Continue Reading →

Signs 101: Street Signs

You’ve probably noticed that we’ve been installing different street signs in recent years.  Instead of the dark blue, antique-styled street signs we used to install, we’ve started to use green street signs with white lettering.  There are several reasons why we made the switch. 1. It’s the law.  The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices... Continue Reading →

Golf Carts

You may have noticed a few more golf carts buzzing around Bridgewater in the last year.  In 2019, we began the process of legalizing golf cart operation throughout parts of town.  This required us to change speed limits on some of our streets and designate certain areas as golf cart zones.  Once these areas were... Continue Reading →

Must you shovel your sidewalk?

Most folks believe that Bridgewater requires them to remove the snow from the sidewalks in front of their houses.  Yet, it also seems that most folks are comfortable ignoring the requirement.  You've seen the evidence:  About one in three property owners seem to shovel their walks. So about two years ago, when the Council last... Continue Reading →

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