
Almost every week, we hear about a new grant opportunity.  Often, the grant isn’t applicable to what we’re doing.  But occasionally it is, and we devote some time to submit applications.  Not surprisingly, the complexity of the grant application usually mirrors the amount to be awarded.  But even the smallest of grant can have a great, positive return.  Last fall we applied for a $2,000 safety grant from our insurance carrier.  Our goal was to purchase helmets for ice skaters to use at Generations Park.  We received the grant and were able purchase 40 skating helmets which we gave out to Town residents.  

Of course, larger grants can have an even greater impact.  We have applied for several different grants through VDOT and other agencies for things like Riverwalk or the Gen Oak Connector.  These grants take longer to prepare but can result in six-figure awards that can make these projects come to life.  Sometimes we strike out, but we always try to learn what we can do to make our applications stronger, and try again.  We continue to look for grant opportunities to help make Bridgewater an even greater place to live.  

Phase I of Riverwalk was funded by a VDOT grant.

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